Saturday, November 15, 2014

30 second tricks to rock your day...

Hi, again!
So, did you try anything from the last post on building healthy habits (click here)? How did it go?
This week, let's talk about 2 things you can do all day, that will take 5-30 seconds and make a huge difference in how you feel and your health in general.
Most people don't think much about their breathing and identifying peak energy times during the day, but they can be 2 things that only take a few seconds but can create profound positive changes.
So, you're probably thinking that breathing is automatic, no need to think about it and, for the most part, it is. What's interesting about breathing is that we can't live without it and we can control it easily, unlike other essential bodily functions like our heart beating. Consciously controlling your breath, specifically by doing deep breathing in this example, can help you to also take control of situations and your health!
Here's what I suggest:
1. Pick a time during the day to practice doing 3 deep belly breaths. These are those big, deep breaths that expand your lower abdomen and you can even feel it in your back and hips as those muscles relax and expand to allow more space for your breath.
A good way to make this a habit is to connect it with another activity you do during your normal day. It could be before returning messages after lunch, going to the bathroom, getting a cup of coffee/tea/water, waiting in line, or picking up the kids. Anything that you do every day and have 30 seconds to tack this on to one end.
The rest is super simple. Just sit comfortably or stand with your feet planted on the floor about hip width apart, roll your shoulders back and straighten your spine so you have good posture. Then, take a deep breath in through your nose while counting silently to 5 and then exhale through your mouth to a count of 5. Repeat that 2 more times and notice how you feel.
The science behind it is that when we breathe deeply, we are giving our body and brain a signal that everything is ok, which allows our stress response to turn off and causes all sorts of great things to happen. In a state of calm our bodies begin to heal and we are able to think more clearly to be more effective rather than just react to our situation. It also gives you a bump in oxygen to increase your energy and alertness helping you feel refreshed as well.
Now, #2 is to notice your overall energy and alertness through the day and leverage it to get back more time, stress less and be happy. You probably already know if you're a morning person or night owl, right? If you want extra credit on this one, carry a calendar or notepad with you for a week (maybe in your phone), and write down the times of day when you feel tired and when you feel really productive. Even on the weekend! You'll notice a pattern like an obvious 2 PM slump or an 9 AM spike in energy.
Take advantage of those times you're really "on" to schedule your most difficult tasks or time to do plan and analyze things. Examples: if you are teaching something, plan it for your "on" time or if you need to go to the Dr. try to schedule it at a time you will be most capable to ask questions and understand instructions.
Likewise, take advantage of your less productive time frames to schedule something mundane like a dentist appointment where the hour lying in a chair drooling won't matter or do your busy work and repetitive tasks that don't require much thought. You may even find that you can adjust almost your entire schedule to take advantage of your natural energy rhythm, over time, by making these small shifts. Bonus points if you can identify these time frames in the people around you the most, because you will be able to approach them at the most opportune times as well.
The benefits are huge! When you can leverage your strengths, you'll accomplish more and do everything with more excellence. You'll also feel less stressed out, which can mean less illness and bad moods leading to a lot more fun time doing things you enjoy with the people you love. Who doesn't want that?
Let me know how it goes. As always, I love hearing from you!

Here's another personal example from me so you can really see what I mean: I can rock 11 AM -3PM like nobody's business and then I get a second wind around 7 PM - 1AM so, if I have my choice I schedule meetings during mid-day and do any work that requires thought and attention in the evening. For example, if someone wants to schedule a consult I'll always choose a time when I know I'll be thinking quicker on my feet. Then, you'll often find me doing tasks like reviewing budgets and doing follow up emails after 3 pm because they are routine.
It wasn't always like this. I struggled for years with early morning bosses who would ask for updates first thing, when I was more apt to just get my computer on and read emails until my brain fully woke up. Once I learned to quit fighting my natural rhythm and wishing I was more of a morning person, I was able to take control of the situation and compromise, even without them knowing! Needless to say this created a lot of ease in my life, lowered my stress levels and made me a lot happier and fun to be around. Believe me, your coworkers appreciate it when you're happier.
So, I started poking my head in at the end of each day with an update for my boss, when I was able to be more coherent and it worked out brilliantly :) Not only did my boss love that I was proactively giving him the info he needed rather than having to drag it out of my foggy head everyday, he had it at his finger tips when he could best process it, the next morning. Win- win.
I started setting similar expectations with everybody and people love someone who is consistent above almost all else. Knowing when they could expect a returned email or phone call from me kept a lot of the needless follow-up and chasing to a minimum, which freed up even more of my time (and theirs) so I was able to focus on more value add work.
It only took a few weeks and my boss and coworkers were often calling me a "rockstar". I went from dreading every morning and spending afternoons feeling frazzled to knowing that I was going to be able to ease in to my day and be really productive and valued.
I know you can do this too and don't hesitate to let me know if you need help.
Until next time...don't forget to breathe!

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