Friday, April 17, 2015

Dear Cece, I want my stuff back!

Dear Cece,
I broke up with my boyfriend but we lived together and now he won't let me back in to get my things. He said he will pack them up and I can come get them in the lobby of our building next week. I'm worried that he will keep or damage things since it was a bad break up. What can I do?

Dear A,
I'm not a lawyer, so first off I'd suggest you contact one or at least the police and see what legal rights you have about your property.

As for the emotional situation you're dealing with, my advice is to forgive, forgive, forgive.
I, myself, have been through bad breakups and lost things in the process that I wish(ed) to keep (and don't miss them at all now!) so will you.
The hardest part of breaking up though, is the emotional loss of a huge part of your lifestyle and a person you valued so much. The first step is to forgive yourself for any resentment you have around it and forgive him for any wrongs you blame him for. Forgiving doesn't mean forgetting, it means releasing from the negativity that bleeds into every other part of your life and keeps you from fully receiving all the good things around you. Release your regrets, anger and negativity so you can move on. I know, this is easier said than done but if you are even a tiny bit willing to forgive, it will happen and these belongings you're worried about will seem less crucial to your happiness.

As for your property, again this is easier said than done, but try to remember that it doesn't make you happy and you aren't your stuff. It's all just mementos of your life and what you really value are the experiences and memories that are associated with it – cherish those. Forgive him if things are broken or missing, intentional or not.
Don't get me wrong, if you have valuable items and irreplaceable family heirlooms, you should fully expect them to be returned and pursue that! I'm just saying, there's always more of everything in this world but if you spend your energy and your life obsessing over what you can't control, you won't have the opportunity to bring in more shiny new things and amazing experiences into your life.
On a side note, you might find that a lot of those things hold bad memories of your old relationship and you won't want them later anyway.
Everyone has "baggage" make sure what you're hauling around is worth it to you. :)

I hope this helps, please let me know how it goes!

Lots of Love,